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ian edwards



An AI art tool from before they were cool

What is it?

Originally hacked together in a weekend by Joel Simon of Morphogen, Artbreeder aims to be a new type of creative tool that empowers users’ creativity by making it easier to collaborate and explore. It started as Ganbreeder, an experiment in using breeding and collaboration as methods of exploring high complexity spaces. Artbreeder is named after the research of Picbreeder which investigated the role of exploration in the optimization process. It is also inspired by an earlier project of Joel’s, Facebook Graffiti, which demonstrated the creative capacity of crowds.

Now Artbreeder has evolved far beyond its humble GAN origins to make use of the most cutting edge diffusion and embedding techniques. It’s growing into an ecosystem of tools that can seamlessly pass assets back and forth. Many of the tools can arbitrarily mix image and text prompts, resulting in one of the most flexible, accessible entry points to AI art tools on the market.

My role

I was initially hired to build an optimized landing page using new design system concept by Nio Ono called Gizmo. After that sprint, I joined Morphogen as a full stack developer along side Luca Bailey to finish executing the rest of the system and implement it across the site. We now spend most of our time building playful interfaces for the AI Deep Magic cooked up in the depths of Morphogen’s evil lair.